18 Ways To Love Your Life And Yourself

Photo by Sundar Chinnusamy from Freeimages

Sometimes we think too much about a certain people, situation or a thing we crave.

 It is becoming difficult for us to find love, because of the misleading definition of it in our modern society.

 We have forgotten a very important part of our life, which is understanding the Self.

We are now living in a society who believe in the world outside, haven't we forgot about the world Inside? There is a bridge, which is broken between these two worlds: Microcosm  & Macrocosm

Macrocosm (Outer-world) is the world which we believe is real ( actually it's not) is controlled by Microcosm ( Inner-world), the world of thoughts, emotions & imagination.

The world which you most of you familiar is called Maya ( the cosmic illusion). Most people spend their life believing that love they want is somewhere outside, but actually, it's inside. 

If you are the kind of person who measures love in terms of relationships only, then you should start looking at the inner-world or Microcosm because it creates your actual reality. 

There are lots of things you can do to feel more love in your life.

18 Ways to Love Your Life-

1. Love Yourself

2. Raise your Vibration

3. Declutter your environment

4. Meditate

5. Go for a walk

6. Be Grateful for everything

7. Sleep early, Sleep well

8. Practice Yoga.

9. Unplug gadgets

10. Limit Social Media

11. Be in the present moment

12. Read books

13. Pray.

14. Learn a new skill

15. Script your daily life

16. Take a deep Breath

17. Visualize.

18. Watch a Spiritual documentary.

The Bottom Line-

Feel love to receive love, always remember that you are love. These activities are very helpful if you practice these daily. 

You will not find love in a particular relationship, object or anything else. Love is within yourself, it's just a state of mind.

 Do these simple activities to feel more love in your life.

Experience more love & peace in your life.


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