Most Effective Method for Lucid dreaming

Photo by Saiuri from freeImages

There are lots of techniques and methods out there for lucid dreaming. You may hear about MILD, WILD or other techniques.

Lucid dreaming is easy, but it takes effort and your faith at the beginning. We tried many techniques yet, aren't getting lucid.

There is a technique or you can say steps, by which the probability of getting lucid is very high.

One of our friends tried it and got the result in the first trial.

He eventually blends all the well-known techniques and performs it with a sequence. 

Here are the steps he took to have a lucid dream.

1. Use WILD / Sleep


He was so excited and motivated that he was preparing himself for sleeping one hour earlier.

For one hour he was listening binaural beats with the help of headphones, an eye mask and has also bought earbuds.

Constantly remind yourself that you are going to lucid dream ( MILD ) and keep repeating the affirmations while listening to binaural beats.

After listening to binaural beats for at least 15 minutes, put down your headphones and use the WILD techniques like Hypnogogic Imaginary, counting numbers, etc.

Those of you who succeed in the first step only, Great. If you fall asleep don't worry follow the steps below. 

Related: 7 Signs You Will Lucid Dream ( So Don't Give Up ) 

2. Use WBTB


Use the WBTB ( Wake back to bed ) technique by setting alarm to go off after 6 hours.

You should understand that the majority of lucid dreams happen during later morning hours. If you go to bed at 10, set the alarm for 4 AM in the morning.

Wake up, turn off the alarm, and do something that requires both mental & physical effort.  
The majority of the people tap snooze, you should not do that. Our friend maintained to wake up by constantly reminding himself about the greatness of lucid dreaming.

If you are serious about lucid dreaming, Wake up, get out of bed and write down your dreams immediately. Dream recall is very crucial, it will help you to identify dream signs.

Related: 9 Amazing Benefits of Lucid Dreaming 

3. Stay Awake for 2 Hours


Our friend suggests remaining awake for at least two hours. He likes to do some reading during this time about lucid dreaming.

Reading takes mental effort and it's also a good morning habit.

You should involve yourself in physical exercises, yoga, and deep breathing (it makes you more alert ). The best thing to do would be walking or cycling.

He prefers Yoga including Pranayamas and Asanas.

Listening to your favorite music or Binaural beats is also helpful. These activities give the brain signal that you are awake. 

Related: 18 Crazy Things To Do When You're Bored 

4. Script your Intention


After you feel more refresh and recharged, script your lucid dream.

One thing most people don't pay much attention to is Intention. It is as important as any other method or steps mentioned earlier.

Take a pen and notebook ( or dream journal ), write down your intention in detail as if you are writing a movie script.

Have clear intention and don't mess things up. Our friend does this every single time and the results are amazing.

Related: 5 Basic Things You Need for Lucid Dreaming 

5. Use WILD / Sleep


The last step is the same as the first step. 

Use the WILD ( Wake Induced Lucid Dream ) technique by focusing on hypnagogic imaginary, counting numbers or focusing on the third eye, etc.

Repeat affirmations that you will lucid dream with absolute faith (very important).

Keep saying to yourself-

" I am Dreaming...I am Dreaming...I am Dreaming....."
" I am Lucid... I am Lucid..... I am Lucid...."
" It's a Dream... It's a Dream...It's a Dream..."

If you again fall asleep ( most people do), don't worry, a few moments later you will see yourself getting lucid. It is a good time to perform a reality check.

Just make sure you try to keep yourself awake as long as possible by repeating these affirmations given above.

Related: 4 Easiest Reality Checks You Should Try (Lucid Dreaming) 

The BOTTom Line-

Try this method if you really have time and interest in Lucid dreaming.

We do not recommend this method if your schedule is busy and has a very hard time sleeping. Don't try it to interrupt your sleep, if you have insomnia. 

You can benefit from this method on weekends, but if you sleep easily, try it for at least 7 days. 

We believe you will lucid dream because it's very effective.

Enjoy your dreams.


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