What is Kriya Yoga (Autobiography of a yogi)

If you read Autobiography of a yogi, you are probably familiar with Kriya Yoga. If you haven't read or heard about this book, go and buy it today. This book is a spiritual treasure for those who are into spirituality or just beginning to understand it.

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 This book has 48 chapters including real stories of miracles, eastern philosophy, yoga secrets and illustrations.

The story of Paramhansa Yogananda, a yogi, and author of this book, is a story of self-realization. He grew up in India and met lots of people, including great saints, well known and remarkable people. He is well known for bringing yoga to the west.

He has shared his experiences and knowledge through this book. Kriya yoga is one of those yoga techniques he talks about in Chapter: 26 The Science Of Kriya Yoga.

Union with Infinite

Kriya yoga became widely known in modern India by Yogananda's guru's guru Lahiri Mahasaya. 

Kriya is a union (yoga) with infinite through a certain action.

The Sanskrit meaning of Kri is to do, cause and effect.

He mentioned, "anyone who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma or the universal chain of causation."

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Psychophysiological method

The author explains that by the use of this technique human blood is decarbonized and recharged with Oxygen. 

It can help you to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues.

He has also mentioned that Elijah, Jesus, Kabir, and other prophets have used Kriya or a technique similar to it by which they caused their bodies to dematerialize at will.

Ancient Science

Kriya is an ancient science that had been lost in the Dark Ages but rediscovered by Lahiri Mahasaya's guru Babaji.

It's the same science Krishna gave to Arjuna, millenniums ago.
Kriya yoga technique is also written in Bhagavad Gita.

Patanjali and Christ also knew about it, they had concluded it in their books and teachings.

Quick Evolution

Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Yogananda always explained to his students that "human evolution can be quickened by Kriya Yoga."

Cosmic consciousness is intimately linked with breath mastery or Kriya Yoga.

Even a half-minute of Kriya equals 1 year of natural spiritual unfoldment.

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The BOTTom Line-

Kriya yoga is about controlling the mind directly through the life force and its most effective technique to approach the infinite.

We can't give a full description of kriya yoga, you have to read the book to understand it completely.

Kriya Yoga is India's unique and deathless contribution to the world's treasury of knowledge.

We are so lucky that this Ancient Science is brought to us in this information age.

Practice Kriya Yoga and enjoy your Spiritual path.


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